Sunday, August 16, 2009


TEACHER: Good Morning. Welcome back to the world of testing. Let's continue with the classes.
So were dealing with the software life cycle models.

TEACHER: Do you know where this waterfall model was used commonly although it had few draw backs?

STUDENT: I think it's aeronautics, nuclear installation etc.

TEACHER: Yes perfect. Let me explain you with V-Model.

STUDENT: What is V-Model? Does it have any other names?

TEACHER: This is now one of the common models followed by the software industry. This is also known as Verification-Validation Model. This is also known as Linear-Sequential Model.

Let me explain you in detail about V-model.

Requirements: The business analyst collects the requirements from the customer. Project report is prepared.

HighLevel design: This is a stage where the test scenarios are prepared.

Low-level design: This is the stage where the test cases are prepared.

Coding: This is the stage where unit testing takes place. This is done by the developer itself.

STUDENT: What is meant by Verification & Validation?

TEACHER: Verification: The activity of evaluating the work product to determine whether it meets requirements.

Validation: The activity of evaluating the work product to determine whether it meets user needs and requirements.

TEACHER: When should testing start regarding a project?

STUDENT: No idea.

TEACHER: Testing should start from requirements. The reason is the cost of bug fixing would be less if we start testing early. As soon as you find bugs, you can fix it soon. Once you find bugs in the later stage, it would be difficult for the developer to fix the bugs. As a tester, you need to write test cases, as soon as you receive the requirements.

TEACHER: Do you know what is Testing life cycle?

STUDENT: No idea Ma'm.


STUDENT: What is Test plan?

TEACHER: A Test plan is a document containing the objective, scope and research of the software project to be tested. The Test plan would contain

1) Introduction about the project.
2) Features to be tested.
3) Features not to be tested.
4) Test item.
5) Test Strategy.
6) Test Environment.
7) Entry Criteria.
8) Exit Criteria.
9) Test Deliverables
10) Risks and Assumptions.
11) Staffs and training needs.
12) Schedule.
13) Responsibilities of team members.

STUDENT: What is test strategy?

TEACHER: Test strategy is nothing but how we are going to approach testing. What methodologies we would be using..

STUDENT: What is Test Environment?

TEACHER: It is the Environment under which we test. It is a combination of hardware and software. It is also known as TEST BED. This includes platform, processor type, LAN type, Softwares used etc.

STUDENT: What is Bug life cycle? Is it same as Testing life cycle?

TEACHER: No, not at all. Bug life cycle is the life cycle of a bug. Let me explain it in detail

Suppose you are a tester. You find a bug. This stage is known as NEW. You will assign it to your Team leader. The Team leader will mark the status as OPEN. Then assign to the developer. This stage is ASSIGN. Developer will check if he is able to reproduce the bug. if he is unable to reproduce, he will status as REJECTED. If the bug is as per requirements, he will mark the status as DEFERRED. If the developer is able to reproduce it, he will fix it and set the status as TEST. The tester will retest it again and check whether the bug is fixed or not. This stage is known as VERIFIED. Once the tester finds that bug is fixed, he will the status as CLOSED. If the bug is not fixed, it would be assigned back to the developer.

STUDENT: How will the tester communicate with the developer regarding all these bugs?

TEACHER: This is a very good question. The tester would communicate with the TL, PM or developer with the help of a bug tracking tool. Some of the tools are Bugzilla, Mantiz, Clear quest(IBM), Test Director(HP) etc.

TEACHER: That is all for today. Tomorrow we will deal with types of testing and more....

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